We are gold diggers !
Convinced that the world cannot function this way, we are men and women committed to a treasure hunt.
The recycling of our mattresses is an infinite source of innovation. Our mission is to build a virtuous cycle and to give sense back to our products and consumption.
Our commitment :
Secondly allows more thant seventy people to work on its two French sites, one in Santes – North of France – and the other in Flaviac in Ardèche.
Secondly is an integration type company (EI) that, while keeping our planet safe, permits people who are alienated from the working environment to benefit from a 24 month accompanied course.
Secondly has put in place professional training programs and personalized social care and follow-up. This in-between period allows the worker to develop new skills and find confidence and stability in the workforce.
Here and now
Social and local
A sustainable tomorrow
Climactic impact
Secondly develops new material adapted to the application of industries, creators and distributors alike.
Together, we can put on the market more virtuous and good products made from our own garbage.
Every year, the equivalent of an Eiffel tower of mattersses is thrown away in France. This recycled waste, treated by Secondly, produces tomorrow’s resources.
Together with these new resources, and by using collective intelligence and innovation, we can change our way of producing and consuming.
Future and performance
Economic and social innovation.
Our history
Creation of Secondly
Craving the sun!
The purchase of Ecoval in Ardèche which later became Secondly in the South-West
We’ve come full circle
Producing the first mattresses made in Secondly
Snowball effect
Outlet diversity
The milestone of 3 millions !
This is the number of mattresses recycled since our adventure started
First industrial launched and certified Eco-furnishing site in Santes (59)
Mattresses and humans
Secondly becomes an integration type company (EI)
The million!
Mattresses recycled by Secondly
A shocking team!
45 of our employees on our 2 sites, of which 15 people are in integration
Creation of Secondly
First industrial launched and certified Eco-furnishing site in Santes (59)
Craving the sun!
The purchase of Ecoval in Ardèche which later became Secondly in the South-West
Mattresses and humans
Secondly becomes an integration type company (EI)
We have come full circle.
Producing the first mattresses made in Secondly
The million!
Mattresses recycled by secondly
Snowball effect
Outlet diversity
A shocking team!
45 of our employees on our 2 sites, of which 15 people are in integration

Our treasure map
By recycling your mattresses, you are supporting a local economy, and you are allowing men and women to find jobs again.
Every man and woman in Secondly is a treasure, just as the mattresses.
Incindentally, do you know that on our Ardèche site we have found a chest in the hollowed out part of a mattress?
End of life mattress salvaging zone made with the help of our partners.